Transfection Calculators

Unlock the full potential of your transfection processes with our suite of calculators and guides. These tools help you optimize every step, from reagent selection to scaling up in bioreactors. Whether you’re aiming to maximize yield, improve efficiency, or reduce costs, our calculators provide the insights you need to make informed decisions at each stage of your research and production.

Economic Optimization

Compare transfection reagents of all brands with this cost calculator to figure out the potential cost per dose for your AAV asset.

Transfection Efficiency

Measures of efficiency for various transfection applications and the recommended methods of measurement.

N:P Ratio

Find the right ratio of reagent to nucleic acid to achieve optimal transfection rates. Includes formulas, protocols, and other considerations.

Connect with an Expert to Plan Your Transfection

Schedule a meeting to discuss your needs and begin your journey to higher titers and percent full capsids.