Optimizing siRNA Delivery

Because siRNA differs in size and structure from plasmid DNA, transfection reagents can be optimized and formulated differently for delivery of these RNA molecules. After selection of the appropriate transfection reagent, optimization of several experimental parameters is key to achieving the highest efficiency siRNA transfection and corresponding effective knockdown of target gene expression.

Here we highlight our top “Tips from the Bench” for optimizing siRNA delivery. Note: most of these tips are applicable to delivery of other classes of oligos, including but not limited to miRNA and antisense oligonucleotides.

Optimizing Plasmid DNA Delivery

Setting up successful transfection experiments for the first time can be a daunting task, especially when working with stubborn cells that are refractory to transfection. Variables such as cell line, passage number, confluency, DNA quality and even transfection reagent formulation all contribute to the likelihood of success (or failure) of a given transfection experiment. Here, we highlight our top “Tips from the Bench” for optimizing plasmid DNA delivery.

Extending Viability in CHO Cells

A common question we encounter is: how can I extend CHO cell viability through the process of protein production? One common practice to maintain higher viability is to shift cell cultures to mild hypothermic conditions, e.g. 37°C to 32°C. Here, we discuss a hot (er… cold?) tip involving the CHOgro® High Yield Expression System, which also supports additional flexible protocol options for researchers who cannot shift cultures to 32°C or who desire extended cellular viability beyond one week following transfection.